Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 1, 2011

The representative director explained

Since already have no the necessity of use, why dissolve an issue of needing to experience the decade still?The representative director explained, before June, 2009 《food safe method 》 carries out, there is no the rules of"craft necessity" in original 《food health method 》 , so, can not dissolve because of having no "craft necessity" because of a kind of additive."The current food safe method made up this blank, and was mutually consistent with the universal way of doing of international top."
Author:Wu Peng
(Responsibility editor:kaimengli)
[Brief summary] China announced anti- Fu White Paper at yesterday is first time.Medium Wei general secretary Wu Yu Liang of Ji said, China is releasing anti- Fu White Paper was concerned with international social response.Introduce according to the White Paper, Chinese public constucts the satisfaction of result to rule high to the anti- corruption and the Lian government and has already raised 70.6% from 51.9% currently …[I to say 2]

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