Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 11, 2010

Passersby can not help but have seen eyebrows

Crushed out the cigarette in the hands of, coldly: "That is pork yellow, that I really did not dare move him, the grass!"

"Where talk Chow."

Meng puff cigarette, eyes narrowed, it is enjoying, said: "Police!"

Audience silent.

Jin Yang Zhiming Chapter tiger shark waterSun sun, Mr Chen snapped a pair of slippers to go riding black riding on the sidewalk, her mouth half a peony has been

removing cigarettes, his hands in his pockets, bulging bags behind, I do not know what is lying, and that open white shirt fluttered as the hot summer air, as if it

were swimming in the water eel, flowing in the wind, the perfect curve.

Short hair and unassuming, passersby can not help but have seen eyebrows.

This is what came out of the rogue, even dare to so blatantly in the J City?

A hasty brakes roared into the sky from the side, a black Cadillac stopped in the street, license plate number: JS8888 doors open out from the inside of a man, a

handsome, his face a shallow scar with black sunglasses, a suit, from head to toe in addition to inside the shirt, the rest was black.

Standing a head higher than Mr Chen.

Perfect facial contours, with dense stubble chin point, the rationale was very clean, sophisticated look but feel a bit. Sly smile his face always hung.

Chen made his mouth twisted cigarette, squinting out at the man, random said: "XiaoMing, the car to a lot of money to spend, right?"

Then turn around right then turn left Cadillac, straight out of the car to see a few people are happ

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